Step into the Light of Truth

I believe that we all have a truth within us

…and that there are many paths of finding and knowing that truth. Each person’s path is uniquely individual, relevant, and profound. I believe that tarot is a tool that can connect us to our own source of wisdom and self-guidance. It has a unique way of combining spirituality, visualization and intuition in a tangible way that can affirm our hunches, reveal unacknowledged truths and— most importantly—inspire creative and decisive action that propels us forward towards making the positive changes we desire.

Let’s Do a Reading

Virtual and In-person Readings

Each reading is unique and full of magic.

A a reader, I want you to feel safe enough to ask the hard questions and supported enough to give voice to your fears, longings and dreams. I treat each session as sacred communion where, together, we make it possible for divine messages to be known. I believe true healing is available to us at all times, and that Tarot can offer illumination and insight towards the growth and healing opportunities that are available in this moment and in the future.

  • In-Person or Virtual Reading

    In-Person or Virtual Reading

    An in-depth 60 or 90-minute session with Heather that taps into significant past, present, and forthcoming energies and opportunities that support you in making positive change.

    60 minutes $144

    90 minutes $177

  • Mini-Reading

    A shorter reading conducted virtually to answer specific questions. Also serves as a great follow-up for questions surrounding a recent full-length reading.

    15 minutes $55

    30 minutes $88

    45 minutes $111

  • Party and Private Events

    Personal mini-readings for party and private events. Reading times will be divided equally among participants. For larger events, readings will be up to 10 minutes in length and operate on a first-come-first-serve basis.

    Please contact Heather Dawn for pricing

 Heather gives you her undivided attention and uses her unique gifts to help you in so many ways. She’s such a light and joy to work with. I would highly recommend her services to anyone who needs a little mental or emotional clarity and reassurance.